RE-DEFINE: Refugee Emergency Defining and Implementing Novel Evidence-based psychosocial interventions.
RE-DEFINE final conference
Challenges and opportunities for intervening to address the social determinants of mental health
RE-DEFINE final conference
Challenges in assessing the efficacy of prevention interventions
RE-DEFINE final conference
The RE-DEFINE project TURKEY: main findings
RE-DEFINE final conference
The RE-DEFINE project EUROPE: main findings
RE-DEFINE final conference
Considering culture, context and community in refugee settings
RE-DEFINE final conference
Mental health in humanitarian settings: WHO global perspective and actions
End of recruitment period of two large randomized controlled trials in Europe and Turkey.
Meet a RE-DEFINE facilitator, Università degli Studi di Verona
Meet a RE-DEFINE recruiter, Università degli Studi di Verona
Webinar on “Self-Help Plus: an effective and scalable tool to reduce distress among South Sudanese refugees?”. Presentations from Ken Carswell (WHO), Safina Yusuf (HealthRight International) and Wietse A. Tol (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and HealthRight International).
Meet RE-DEFINE partners from University of Turku in Finland.
Facilitators explain in Dari what SH+ is and invite refugees in Vienna to join the project. (with german subtitles).
(with Turkish subtitles)
Interview by Professor Zeynep Ceren Acartürk, Istanbul Sehir University
Interview by Professor Corrado Barbui, Università Degli Studi di Verona
Interview by Professor Corrado Barbui, Università Degli Studi di Verona (short version)
Interview by Professor Pim Cuijpers, Stichting VU Amsterdam
What does it mean to be a SelfHelp+ facilitator? We asked them!